Help shape future planning policies for Royal Greenwich

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Closes 26 Aug 2026

About the new Local Plan

The Local Plan sets out the vision for future development in the borough for the next 5, 10 and 15 years and includes the planning policies to help achieve this. It identifies how many new homes, jobs and services are needed to support Royal Greenwich’s growing population, and where and how they should be provided. The Local Plan has an important role in shaping how Royal Greenwich’s places look and feel, promoting inclusion, reducing inequality, enhancing the environment, tackling climate change and delivering sustainable neighbourhoods. 

The current Royal Borough of Greenwich Local Plan was adopted in 2014. 

Why are we producing a new Royal Greenwich Local Plan?

Councils are required to review and update their Local Plans every five years. The Royal Borough of Greenwich is producing a new Local Plan to replace our 2014 plan, updating our existing planning policies and adding new policies where they’re needed.

A number of significant things have happened since the 2014 Local Plan was adopted which need to be considered as part of the work. These include the publication of the Council’s new corporate strategy ‘Our Greenwich’ in December 2022, changes to the national planning policy framework and planning legislation, the adoption of a new London Plan in 2021, and the Council’s declaration of a climate emergency in 2019 and subsequent Carbon Neutral Plan approved in November 2021.

How will the new Local Plan be produced?

The process to produce a new Local Plan involves several stages of drafting and consultation before it is adopted by the Council. 

We’re keen to hear your views on the current Local Plan and understand how you think our policies can most effectively address key issues, such as climate change, the provision of affordable housing, the changing role of Royal Greenwich’s town centres, housing delivery, job creation and economic development. This feedback will be used to help in the production of a draft Local Plan, that will be published for consultation in 2024. The timetable for the Local Plan update is available to view here. 

The production of the new Royal Greenwich Local Plan will be undertaken in line with national policy and the London Plan 2021. The Plan will be supported by an updated evidence base, to justify the policy approach taken, and informed by community and stakeholder engagement. 

Housing block on Bevan Road

What is the relationship between the new Local Plan and the new Urban Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)?

The Council is also updating its Urban Design Guide SPD, which provides guidance to help preserve our unique natural and historic environment and improve our neighbourhoods and high streets. The new SPD will be one of the policies which supports the new Local Plan. Read more here.

What is the relationship between the new Local Plan and the Statement of Community Involvement?

The Council is also updating its Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), which sets out our approach to how we will consult and engage with the community throughout the planning process. This includes consultation related to our Local Plan, individual planning applications, planning enforcement and other planning matters. Read more here.